1. Analysing Mulde Event dynamics with ultra-high-resolution ostracod paleocommunity analysis
  2. Geobacillus lipoliziniai fermentai: struktūros-funkcijos tyrimai ir pritaikymas polikaprolaktonų perdirbimui
  3. Microfossil response to the late Silurian Lau Event in the Bebirva-111 drill core, Lithuania
  4. Motivation of Lithuanian Saturday school heritage language teachers
  5. OCCASO V. Chemical-abundance trends with Galactocentric distance and age
  6. On the integrated regional Ordovician correlation charts of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
  7. The Gaia -ESO Survey: No sign of multiple stellar populations in open clusters from their sodium and oxygen abundances
  8. The correlation of the carbonate facies of the lower Silurian in Lithuania: carbon isotope and the cross-recurrence plot
  9. Trust in news media: the naïve perception of the causes is dominated by the…
  10. „Miręs asmeniniame gyvenime tampu išmintingesnis pagalboje kitam“: psichoterapeutų artimųjų netekčių patyrimo reikšmė darbe su psichoterapijos klientais