- Fox – Fordyce Disease: a case report
- Impact of meteorological conditions on overhead transmission line outages in Lithuania
- Expression of adolescent's school engagement
- What do children’s maps tell us? Topical messages from the years 2005–2021
- Reflections of global crises in childrens’ maps of 2019–2023: Lithuania and Hungary
- Józef Mackiewicz i Barbara Toporska - "wielcy nieobecni" w świetle prasy wileńskiej na przełomie XX i XXI wieku
- Chemical evolution of Galactic Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae
- Crime regions in Lithuanian major cities and their suburbs
- Longitudinal interplay between subjective stress, anxiety, depression, and well-being in internet-based stress recovery intervention for nurses
- A prospective study of nephrocalcinosis in very preterm infants: incidence, risk factors and vitamin D intake in the first month
- Novel heterogeneous Pd catalysts for cross‐coupling reactions in biocompatible media: structural insights from solid‐state NMR techniques
- High-impact polystyrene structured light components for terahertz imaging applications
- Rec. kn.: Klaipėdos prijungimas prie Lietuvos: Jono Budrio atsiminimai ir jų kritinė analizė. Dokumentus atrinko, transliteravo ir komentavo, kritinę dalį parašė ir knygą sudarė Vasilijus Safronovas. Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2023