- ANCA asocijuotų vaskulitų pasireiškimas ausyse, nosyje ir gerklėje: literatūros apžvalga
- Assessing blood Irisin levels in response to perceived exercise intensity: a preliminary analysis
- Assessing interplay between brain-derived neurotrophic factor and Irisin levels during high intensity exercise
- Avatars' phygital social presence in the metaverse: an engaged theory perspective
- Examining impact of intense exercise on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and Irisin levels in young adults
- Exploring neurophysiological and cardiovascular responses to intense physical activity: the role of brain–derived neurotrophic factor
- Exposing the effects of moderate aerobic exercise on myokines levels
- Gerklų papilomatozė: klinikinis atvejis
- Investigating confined space asphyxias: plastic bag involvement and gas inhalation – a case series and literature review
- Investigating the effects of moderate exercise on BDNF and Irisin levels in healthy young people
- Jatrogeninės kilmės svetimkūnis akytkauliniame antyje
- Pre-exercise Irisin levels with post-training bdnf levels: insights into myokine release dynamics
- Self-injurious behavior in child and adolescent psychiatry inpatient units: actual aspects of the complex care provision
- Spatial distribution of cemeteries in Lithuania
- Vidurinės ausies cholesteatoma. Literatūros apžvalga
- Visuomenės muzikos klausymosi įpročių ir jų žinių apie triukšmo sukeltą klausos pažeidimą vertinimas
- Vizualinių dirgilių išprovokuotas galvos svaigimas: klinikinis atvejis ir literatūros apžvalga
- Werner syndrome caused by homozygous frameshift variant c.1578del in WRN