- Asymptotically proved numerical coupling of a 2D flexural porous plate with the 3D stokes fluid
- Femtosecond laser textured surfaces for radiative cooling: black metals
- New autoimmune disorder development after immune reconstitution therapy for multiple sclerosis
- Non-motherhood and the narrative of the self in Nuria Labari’s The Best Mother of the World
- Pagrindiniai mėlynos spalvos pavadinimai lenkų ir lietuvių kalbose: prototipai ir konotacijos
- Targeted anticancer pre-vinylsulfone covalent inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase IX
- The relationship of psychological well-being with adaptive and maladaptive functioning among older adults in Lithuania
- The role of significant others in the process of internet-delivered intervention for tinnitus: a qualitative study
- Time to prepare for retirement: Time perspective relationship with financial and career retirement preparation
- Впервые в Европе. Староверие в Литве (1918–1923): реэмиграция, формирование церковной структуры поморцев и официальное признание Церкви