Title Laiko atžvilgiu periodinio Puazeilio sprendinio korektiškumas su minimaliu srauto reguliarumu /
Translation of Title Correctness of time-periodic poiseuille type solution with minimally regular flow- rate.
Authors Gumbakytė, Gabija
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Pages 25
Abstract [eng] The nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations are studied in the infinite cylinder under the additional condition of the prescribed time-periodic flow-rate (flux) F(t). A nonstationary time-periodic Poiseuille solution with prescribed flow-rate is analyzed and the regularity of the solution with minimally regular F(t) is evaluated. The change of the solution's regularity when the regularity of the flow-rate increases is studied.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021