Title McEliece viešojo rakto kriptografinės sistemos saugumo tyrimas /
Translation of Title Study of the security of mceliece public-key cryptosystem.
Authors Drabužinskis, Paulius
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] In this work McEliece cryptographic system security has been studied. Research‘s theory has been provided and by using JAVA programming language attacks against McEliece cryptosystem have been written, such as: generalized information-set-decoding attack, low-weight codeword attack, message-resend attack. These attacks are executed for small McEliece cryptosystem parameters and from the results the time it takes to do these attacks with larger parameters are found. Also attack execution times for supercomputer Fujitsu Fugaku are also determined and the most secure parameters for McEliece cryptosystem against these attacks are found. In this work McEliece cryptosystem modification which can withstand message-resend attacks has been proposed. For this modification it was also written and executed the modified related-message attack.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022