Title Janina Bortkiewicz and Public Hygiene Education in Popular Magazines Published in Vilnius, 1930–1939 /
Translation of Title Janina Bortkiewicz ir viešosios higienos švietimas populiariuosiuose žurnaluose Vilniuje 1930–1939 metais.
Authors Žalnora, Aistis
DOI 10.15181/ahuk.v43i0.2489
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Is Part of Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis: Defeating disease in the changing society of the Southeast Baltic from the 18th to the 20th century = Ligų įveika besikeičiančioje Pietryčių Baltijos visuomenėje: XVIII–XX amžiai.. Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla. 2022, t. 43, p. 73-97.. ISSN 1392-4095. eISSN 2351-6526
Keywords [eng] public health ; health education in 20th-century Poland ; popular hygiene education ; popularisation of medical science
Abstract [eng] Because General Żeligowski’s troops occupied Vilnius in the autumn of 1920 and Poland annexed it two years later, the health-care system that operated in Poland at the time began to be introduced in the city and the region. The official guidelines for health policy in Poland derived from the concept of hygiene proposed by Tomasz Janiszewski, the founder of the health system in the country, which focused on social hygiene. Universities played an advisory role in the Polish health system and were involved in educating the public on hygiene issues. In interwar Vilnius, the most prominent figure in this field was Janina Bortkiewicz-Rodziewiczowa, a researcher and senior assistant in the Department of Hygiene of the Faculty of Medicine at Stephen Bathory University. This article analyses her publications aimed at promoting science. It examines the means by which Bortkiewicz- Rodziewiczowa conveyed specific medical knowledge to a lay audience. It also discusses what topics she emphasised most and what reasons led to her choices, and how this correlated with priorities in medical science and health policy at that time. Finally, it touches on an interesting practical aspect, namely what public education strategies applied at the time can still be applied today.
Published Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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