Abstract [eng] |
Master's thesis analyzes the European Union's structural funds for 2007 - 2013. support for the business sector. Main purpose is to assess the impact of European Union support for the business sector. Hypothesis that companies taking advantage of European Union structural funds can increase your company's sales. In 2007-2013 from the EU Structural Funds allocated to the business even 11 mlrd.Lt. These funds are allocated to the promotion of entrepreneurship, improving business productivity, business growth and development, with particular emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprise development potential. Business is one of the most important factors of economic growth, with a substantial impact on the overall Lithuanian economic development, job creation and social stability. Small, medium and large enterprises - dynamic, constantly changing group of companies, which has a decisive impact on economic growth and social stability of their relationship. Work apibūdininamas the objective of EU support for the objectives, principles, problematic aspects. The European Union structural funds for 2007 - 2013. Mastering and EU support for 2007 - 2013. for the business sector. Calculated and presented in enterprises (AB “Alita“, AB “Pieno zvaigzdes“, AB “Zemaitijos pienas“, AB “Utenos trikotazas“, AB “Snaige“, AB “Vilkyskiu pienine“, UAB “Gintaro baldai“ and AB “Grigiskes“) financial ratios, calculated indices, assessed individually for each company investigated, evaluated as other corporate financial indicators before and after the EU structural funds received. According to the value created by a component index formulas, relative indicators, calculated and measured values, before and after the EU structural funds received. The conclusions, which the EU Structural Funds impact of eight businesses. The results may be relevant to the investigated companies which AB “Alita“, AB “Pieno zvaigzdes“, AB “Zemaitijos pienas“, AB “Utenos trikotazas“, AB “Snaige“, AB “Vilkyskiu pienine“, UAB “Gintaro baldai“ and AB “Grigiskes“, as well as those companies that plan to apply for EU support. |