Title Non-Hermitian control of optical turbulence in systems with fractional dispersion /
Authors Ivars, Salim B ; Botey, Muriel ; Herrero, Ramon ; Staliūnas, Kęstutis
DOI 10.1016/j.chaos.2022.112774
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Is Part of Chaos, solitons and fractals.. Oxford : Pergamon-Elsevier Science. 2022, vol. 165, part 2, art. no. 112774, p. [1-8].. ISSN 0960-0779. eISSN 1873-2887
Abstract [eng] We show an efficient mechanism to control optical turbulence in systems with different dispersion laws, including parabolic, sub-diffractive, hyper-diffractive or general fractional dispersion. The method is based on the modification of the energy cascade through spatial scales leading to turbulence: a non-Hermitian spatio-temporal periodic potential allows unidirectional coupling between modes in the excitation process. We prove a significant increase and reduction of the energy flow in turbulent states, by either condensing the excitation towards small wave-numbers or affecting the energy transfer towards large wave-number. The study is based on the complex Fractional Ginzburg–Landau equation, a universal model for pattern formation and turbulence in a wide range of systems. The enhancement or reduction of turbulence is indeed dependent on the imposed direction of the energy flow, controlled by the phase shift between the real and imaginary parts of the temporal oscillation of the non-Hermitian potential.
Published Oxford : Pergamon-Elsevier Science
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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