Title EEE ir Norvegijos finansinių mechanizmų 2014-2021 m. Lietuvos kultūros paveldo tvarkybos darbų rezultatų komunikacijos poveikio tyrimas /
Translation of Title Study of the impact of lithuanian cultural heritage eea and norvegian financial mechanisms 2014-2021 period recreation projects results communication.
Authors Šadreikaitė, Milda
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Pages 66
Abstract [eng] To preserve cultural heritage, global institutions pay more attention to the field of cultural heritage and promote actualization projects that increase public interest in heritage, form collective responsibility, and provide an opportunity to preserve heritage for future generations. Although many programs finance the actualization of cultural heritage, it is noticeable that the EEA and Norway financial mechanisms is the only program that supports projects financially and by sharing professional experience. The preservation and actualization of cultural heritage are being developed in the EU and globally, so the international sharing of experiences can help to achieve better project results. The program of the EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms set goals for preservation and actualization. Still, international cooperation is encouraged only for the conservation works. The purpose of this work is to examine the efficacy of the actualization of financed cultural heritage objects using funding program funds and the experience of specialists and to create recommendations that would help to achieve the goals of cultural heritage object actualization in future funding programs. In implementing the work problem, the study aimed to investigate the process and effectiveness of the actualization of projects of cultural heritage objects financed by EEA and Norway financial mechanisms. A coordinated qualitative and quantitative research method was chosen for the research, a qualitative interview was organized with managers of cultural heritage objects and a quantitative survey was conducted, during which the awareness of cultural heritage objects among the Lithuanian population was analyzed. To study the developing communication and its impact on society, 3 research objects were selected, which were financed by the EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms programs and completed the project a few years ago: Abromiškių manor, Liubavas manor, Pavirvytės manor. During the research, the objects internal communication processes, external communication organization, and strategies were determined, the public's awareness of the objects was measured and the main external communication tools helping to increase the awareness of the cultural heritage objects were determined. The study results showed that the EEA and Norway Financial Mechanisms program promotes the sharing of experience internationally, but it is focused only on the performance of technical work. Only object managers participate in the actualization process, so different projects of the same program have achieved different results in the awareness and public involvement. To optimize the actualization process in future programs, recommendations were made, and the project implementation flow chart was improved.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023