Title Lygtinio paleidimo taikymo problemos praktikoje /
Translation of Title Practical application problems of conditional release.
Authors Žardeckas, Alanas
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Pages 51
Abstract [eng] The first part of the master's thesis discusses the concept, development and significance of the Institute of Parole from Correctional Institutions. In the mentioned part of the work, the analysis of the concept of parole from prisons and its problems is carried out in order to reveal the general concept of parole, which is not established in legal acts. Next, the analysis of the development of parole is carried out, including the beginnings of the parole institute abroad and in the state of Lithuania, and the significance of the parole institute is also discussed. Also, in the mentioned part of the work, the statistics of the paroled convicts are presented. The second part of the paper discusses the material and formal features of the conditions for the application of conditional release, the dynamism of the regulation of the aforementioned conditions over the last 19 years, and the problems in court practice, taking into account the current provisions of Article 157 of the Penal Code of the Republic of Lithuania. Later, the paper analyzes the reasons for not applying the parole institute, their dynamics since the enforcement of sentences in the Republic of Lithuania came into force. With the help of court practice, the issue of grounds for not applying parole from a prison is examined, i.e. i.e. challenges regarding the period of validity of Article 158, Clause 2 of the Penal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, etc. The third part of the master's thesis discusses the features of the execution of the sentence after applying the parole institute. In the mentioned part of the work, with the help of legal regulations, legal doctrine and court practice, the probation model established in Lithuanian legal acts, the difficulties faced by convicts who were granted conditional release from correctional institutions are analyzed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023