Title Fizinio aktyvumo poveikis autizmo spektro sutrikimą turinčių vaikų ir paauglių komunikacijai, socialiniams įgūdžiams ir motorikai: sisteminė literatūros apžvalga /
Translation of Title Effects of physical activity on communication, social and motor skills for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review.
Authors Pukštė, Ingrida
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Pages 105
Abstract [eng] The aim of research work: to evaluate the effect of physical activity on communication, social and motor skills of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, while analyzing published scientific publications. Tasks of work: 1. To identify, what forms of physical activity have effect on communication, social skills and motor skills functional parameters of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. 2. To evaluate the size of effect of physical activity on different functional parameters. Methods: A systematic review was conducted from December 2020 to May 2022. Search of scientific publications was done in two databases, according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. These databases were Medline (via Pubmed) and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics). Last search in Medline (via Pubmed) was on January 27 2022, and in Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) on April 2 2022. 19 scientific publications, that analyze the effects of physical activity on communication, social and motor skills of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, met inclusion criteria. Cochrane tool - RoB 2 was selected to evaluate bias. Selected publications were analyzed according to the functional parameters. Results: after analyzing the effect of physical activity on communication, we observed that these forms of physical activity have effects: therapeutic horseback riding (effect size 0,72 and 0,63), mini basketball training (1,03 and 0,55), structured physical activity (1) and an outdoor adventure (0,25) programmes and kata techniques (0,65). Overall only two forms of physical activity reached effect size bigger that 0,8. These forms are mini basketball training and structured physical activity program. These forms of physical activity have effect on social skills: yoga training (1,66), structured physical activity (1,22) and an outdoor adventure (0,39) programs, therapeutic horseback riding (0,92 and 0,41), kata techniques (1,47), SPARK (0,91), mini basketball training (0,44) and mixed martial arts (0,24). The greater effect size was reached by these forms of physical activity: yoga training, structured physical activity program, kata techniques, therapeutic horseback riding and SPARK. Analysis of the effect of physical activity on the motor skills was divided into effect on static and dynamic balance and on the motor skills. Static and dynamic balance was affected by SPARK (0,64 and 2,22), kata techniques (2, 7) and exercises in the water program (2, 3), while effect on motor skills was observed using Tai Chi Chuan (4,69), SPARK (4,31) and „I can have physical literacy“ program (10,03). All forms of physical activity had higher effect size than 0,8 on the motor skills, except of SPARK program on static balance. Conclusions: 1. Mini basketball training and structured physical activity program both have effect on communication of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Yoga training, structured physical activity program, kata technique, therapeutic horseback riding and SPARK are effective for social skills development. Motor skills can be improved by „I can have physical literacy“ program, Tai Chi Chuan and SPARK. 2. Physical activity has biggest effect on motor skills. It has less effect on the social skills and has smallest effect on communication.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022