Title Sukčiavimo socialiniuose tinkluose baudžiamasis teisinis vertinimas /
Translation of Title Criminal legal assessment of fraud in social networks.
Authors Pavtel, Vanesa
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Pages 46
Abstract [eng] This master thesis analyses the topic of criminal legal assessment of fraud on social networks, examining both significant legal acts, conclusions made by scientists in the doctrine of criminal law and court practice, as well as the publicly available relevant information on the websites of law enforcement institutions and other state organizations. The criminal legal assessment of fraud on social networks is very significant in today’s context, because according to publicly available statistics, social networks have become an integral part of the life of almost every second world resident, and representatives of criminal behavior operating in the virtual space are discovering new ways to profit from gullible users of social networks. The work analyses the composition of the criminal act of fraud established in Article 182 of the Criminal Code and its relationship with the act of fraud on social networks. The most common methods of fraud on social networks and the peculiarities of their qualification are also analyzes, prevention measures that positively affect fraud on social networks and their impact on the manifestation of this act in society are discussed. The use of the case law of national courts and the doctrine of criminal law, used for a more detailed analysis, makes it possible to draw conclusions related to the criminal legal qualification of fraud on social networks. An overview of the information contained on the websites of law enforcement institutions allows us to identify the manifestations of this crime in society with positive prevention measures.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022