Title Žmogaus teisės interneto socialiniuose tinkluose /
Translation of Title Human rights in social networks of internet.
Authors Kizytė, Gabrielė
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Pages 41
Abstract [eng] The master's thesis analyses the topic of human rights in social networks of internet by analysing both national and international legislation, as well as various articles and interpretations in case law. The first part of this paper analyses the interaction between human rights and online social networks, outlines the main issues and highlights the right to access the internet as a fundamental human right. It also identifies human rights in online social networks and points out that, in addition to rights, there are also obligations that are necessary to ensure human rights in online social networks. This theme is revealed in the second part of the paper by focusing on freedom of expression as the basis for human rights in online social networks. Freedom of expression is enshrined in both the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Convention on Human Rights. Freedom of expression is the basis of human rights in online social networks, as it ensures the possibility to express one's opinion on a wide range of issues, from culture to politics, with certain restrictions. The paper also highlights, on the basis of case law, the most relevant cases of infringements of freedom of expression in online social networks. The third part of the paper analyses the aspects of liability for human rights violations, highlighting liability for defamation, fraud, defamatory comments and violation of the right to privacy. As online social networks are an unusual space, the paper also analyses possible ways of resolving disputes concerning human rights violations in online social networks.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022