Title Darbo sutarties nutraukimo darbdavio iniciatyva dėl darbuotojo kaltės pagrindų evoliucija /
Translation of Title Evolution of the grounds for termination of employment at the initiative of the employer due to the fault of the employee.
Authors Radinaitė, Austėja
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Pages 59
Abstract [eng] The master's thesis analyses the development of the employer's initiative to terminate the employment contract on the basis of the employee's fault after examining the legal regulation of this basis since 11 March 1990 till the restoration of Lithuania's independence is which is still in force today. The peculiarity of the application of the analyzed base is related to the emergence of the right of the employer to terminate the employment contract, when the employee violates the duties of work by his actions (omissions) of his guilt. Termination of an employment contract on the initiative of the employer due to the fault of the employee is considered one of the strictest grounds for termination of the employment contract, when upon termination of the employment contract the employee is faced with moral aspects - a decrease in the employee's reputation, a decrease in competition in the labour market, and with the essential aspects – the employee is not warned about the termination of the employment contract, free benefits and compensations, with the exception of compensation for unused leave, are not subject to other possible Guarantees. Accordingly, the employer's right to compliance with the rules of procedure and rules of procedure provided for in the laws and local legislation of the employer must be ensured in such a way that the employment contract is terminated without restrictions with the employee who has repeatedly or abolished the work duties in accordance with the procedure laid down. On the initiative of the employer of termination of the employment contract due to the fault of the employee, the conditions were analysed by examining repeated violations of employment duties and cases of gross violation of labour duties provided for in the legal acts under consideration. The concept of the institute of labour discipline, the procedure for imposing disciplinary penalties and the relationship with the employer's initiative regarding the termination of the employment contract under consideration due to the fault and procedure of the employee are revealed. The requirements and time limits for the procedure for terminating this employment contract has been discussed. The master's thesis aimed to reveal and compare what guarantees for the employee and restrictions on the employer were and are applied at different periods analyzed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022