Title Sankcijos darbdaviams ir jų atstovams už darbo įstatymų pažeidimus /
Translation of Title Sanctions for employers and their representatives for violations of labor laws.
Authors Rudžinskaitė, Karolina
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] This master’s thesis is divided into three structural parts. The first part of this master’s thesis discusses the concept of sanction and violation of labor law. The concept and types of sanction are defined. The paper analyzes the main types of sanctions applied to employers for violations of labor laws, such as criminal, administrative, and economic sanctions. The possibility of combining administrative and employment sanctions is discussed. The second part focuses on the application of sanctions. This part discusses the objectives of sanctions pursued by sanctions against employers. The functions of sanctioning and the grounds on which sanctions are imposed on employers are also discussed. As a key aspect, the conditions that are necessary to impose sanctions on employers for violations of labor law are singled out. The second part also focuses on discussing the persons prosecuted for violating labor laws and the entities that apply sanctions. The third part is devoted to aimed at assessing the impact of the sanctions imposed on other relationships in which the employer is involved. The impact of sanctions imposed under the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Law on Employment on other legal relations is analyzed and assessed. Supporting the idea of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania that illegal and undeclared work is considered one of the most serious violations of labor laws, the author draws attention to the illegal work of foreigners from third countries and the secondary consequences arising for employers, but also affects employees. The situation of Covid-19, where, as a legal consequence of the sanction, employers punished for violating labor laws could not qualify for subsidies, is also discussed separately.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022