Title |
Korupcijos prevencijos priemonių efektyvumas užkertant kelią korupcinėms veikoms Šiaulių miesto ir Šiaulių rajono savivaldybėse: lyginamoji analizė / |
Translation of Title |
The effectiveness of means to prevent corruption and criminal acts in Šiauliai city and Šiauliai regional municipality: the comparative analysis. |
Authors |
Raišys, Šarūnas |
Full Text |
Pages |
63 |
Keywords [eng] |
corruption ; prevention ; municipality |
Abstract [eng] |
The Master's Study examines the effectiveness of the implementation of preventional means which were presented in the 5- th article of Lithuania Law on the Prevention of Corruption (2002), reffered to criteria of efficiency which are indicated in Management Science studies. Social research which reflects corruption as a phenomenon and its perception is used to assess the spread of corruption. It is a matter of great relevance to society in comparison with other social problems. There is no question that there is a lack of effectiveness using preventional means because the number of criminal acts is increasing in Lithuanian Republic. Consequently, the aim of the study is the assessment of corruption as a probable phenomenon in Šiauliai city and Šiauliai regional municipality and formulating the final practical risk analysis as one of the most effective preventional means which were used in a period of 2005-2010 comparative analysis. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2011 |