Abstract [eng] |
The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to discuss the relation between political philosophy and political science and the Leo Strauss‘s attitude towards political science, its basic premises and development, and the significance of political philosophy. The main attention in the first part of the work is focused on the analysis of development and institutionalization of the new academical discipline. There are studied philosophical assumptions of the origination of political science and the influence of 17th century‘s scientific revolution, of Enlightenment and of positivism over the formation of political science. Also in the first part of the dissertation there is thoroughly analysed the evolution of institutionalization of political science and of relation with political philosophy. At the end of the first part the main differences between political philosophy and political science are revealed and discussed. The second part of this work deals with Strauss`s arguments against scientific research of politics and for philosophical analysis of political things. There can be found three basic premises of political science: value neutrality, strict method and historicist attitude towards knowledge. According to Strauss all those premises are self-contradictory. Moreover it‘s application to scientific practice is harmful because it distorts the perception of political reality and discredits academic knowledge. There are studied Strauss‘s proposittions about especial role of political philosophy both for understanding of politics and for justification of the whole philosophy. At the end of this work is explicated theologico-political problem and it‘s possible relation with the tension between political philosophy and political science. |