Title Aukštesnio nei įmonės lygio streikų organizavimo ypatumai: Lietuvos ir Lenkijos teisė ir praktika /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of Organization of Higher than Company Level Strikes: Law and Practice in Lithuania and Poland.
Authors Kiela, Darius
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] Features of higher than enterprise level strike organization as well as specifics of the announcement order and peculiarities are being analysed in this master‘s paper. Local and higher than enterprise level strike organization is equally finetuned of the Labour Code of Lithuania. A certain conclusion should be drawn, bearing in mind the specifics and peculiarities of the strikes higher than enterprise level that result in higher damage to employers, national economy and social stability in comparision to enterprise level strikes. The conclusion is as follows: different strike organisation and announcement order for higher than enterprise level should be finetuned. Local and higher than enterprise level strike execution order are defined by the means of the logical, systemic, comparative analysis and synthesis methods. There are some suggestions of higher than enterprise level strike organization and announcement order in Lithuania in this master‘s paper. Legislation of Poland separates local and higher than enterprise level strikes.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009