Title Veiklos žinių bazės modelis ir integravimas į OLAP /
Translation of Title Activities of knowledge base model and integration into olap.
Authors Baronaitė, Jūratė
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Pages 91
Abstract [eng] BARONAITĖ, Jūratė. (2009) Activities of Knowledge Base Model and Integration into OLAP MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Department of Informatics. 64 pages. SUMMARY The paper attempts to create a model of activities knowledge base to review the method in using OLAP. There are a number of concepts and models, but there is a gap between theoretical models and their application (Gudas, S., Brundzaitė, R., 2007). Businesses would benefit from having such a system, which can collect data about the company used software packages, their capabilities, collect the various models, which use the descriptions of the formation of various contracts, company management in long or short-term solutions (financial/commercial/sales/assets, and others). The problem of the chosen theme Operating Model of the Knowledge Base based on OLAP methodology, which is not exploring yet. Work item - the knowledge base based on OLAP modeling methodology. The goal - a cube, which would be transformed into research activities in the knowledge of the relevant models, documentation, and management levels. Job tasks:  Based on the analysis of scientific literature to investigate the activities of knowledge;  Based on the scientific literature to examine the possibility to shape the OLAP cube;  Based on existing models to clarify the mutual relationships between knowledge management, knowledge engineering, OLAP and data mining;  build an OLAP cube in accordance with the operational knowledge base. The main reading used for various articles published on the Internet, information from the knowledge base, the main writers based on which the work was doing Masters Courses: GUDAS, Saulius and BRUNDZAITĖ, Rasa, and Nonomura Katsuhiko. Working method was analysis of the literature and model development. Working results of the theoretical and practical significance. Operational knowledge base model of the development and testing can be considering as successful, but incomplete. There is still a need to complete the knowledge base, in addition to, not only data but also the records in the table (there should be consultation with experts in certain areas: management, information technology, business, economics, etc.). Now the data can be red from the cube but it is difficult to understand what it means. Further work through the vision of XML should be doing. Only with the XML, you can make a cube and present not a number but full text as a result, like as it is doing in Nonomura Katsuhiko "Text-based OLAP Using XML for Knowledge Management and the Development Environment.".
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010