Abstract [eng] |
“Additional Conditions of Employment Contract” Summary Having restored the Independence of Lithuania it became relevant to reform Lithuanian legal system as well, as soviet norms of laws did not fit to realities of our life. The result of reform of Labour Law – united systematic source of labour law, which became effective from the 1st of January 2003 – Labour Code. When the Labour Code came into force, many of labour legislations lost their force but earlier they regulated the composition of labour contracts, their content and additional conditions as well. In this work, referring to the norms of Labour code and other legal acts, the concept, features of additional conditions of labour contracts are defined, examples of those conditions are provided, additional labour contract conditions are delimitated from compulsory conditions of labour contract, the change order of labour contract conditions, the order of solving disputes relating to conditions of labour contract are analyzed. During research the analysis of Lithuanian and foreign countries literature on the issues of Labour Law, Labour legislation, decisions of Labour code, and decisions of Lithuanian Supreme Court was performed. |