Abstract [eng] |
Lots of researches are devoted to investigate why unemployment rate among people with spinal cord injury is so high. Not enough attention is paid to the issue of how disabled people cope with external and internal factors when facing employment problems. Vocational rehabilitation and re-entry to labor market are processes influenced by many factors. The most attention in this paper is devoted to acceptance of own disability, evaluation of self-efficacy as well as to internal and external motivating factors. The integration of people with motion disability into society depends not only on society opinion, first of all it depends on person‘s self-evaluation: acceptance of own disability, self, as able to take care of him/herself and work effectively. Particularly important is that the wish to „come back to life“ came from person‘s inside. The aim of this paper is to determine the psychological factors for vocational rehabilitation of people with deep motion disability. The following research methods were used: initial interview (demographic data was gathered about the target group), motivation window (a scheme which is used to set person‘s intentions and motivation to change, i.e. which internal and external factors promote vocational rehabilitation), wish or hope and conviction that they will get employed in the course of one year, Self-Efficacy, specially developed for people with spinal cord injury, questionnaire of disability acceptance (person‘s attitude to disability after losing something (mobility, limbs, etc.) is explored), positive development and adaptability to owning disability is assessed, connection between person‘s disability and self-perception is set). The received data shows that there exist statistically significant connection among acceptance of own disability, self-efficacy and wish to integrate into labor market for people with spinal cord injury. This means that higher disability repression increases self confidence of a disabled. A person finds more opportunities to look for a job. The higher self- effectiveness is perceived the more disabled person is tended to integrate into labor market. The internal and external factors motivating to work were determined. The internal factors: activity, wish to communicate, self-realization, acquired education, skills and experience gained. Financial incentive is the only external factor mentioned by the majority of the respondents. |