Title Studentų savarankiško mokymosi organizavimas /
Translation of Title The organization of student independent learning.
Authors Gylienė, Oksana
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Pages 66
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Oksana Gylienė The Organization of Students’ Discretionary Learning Master’s degree work This Master dissertation raises the issue that students are incapable to organize learning activities independently, i.e. they lack main competences of learning. The research has been based on two theories: a) Cognitive learning theory, according to which a person is considered active, ambitious, receiving, processing and creating information; and b) Humanist personality theory, which claims that students are free and autonomous, and thus can make independent decisions, which personalities are constantly developing in search of fulfilling one’s potential. A model of managerial learning competences has been created and empirically tested the learning competences of full-time students in Vilnius University. The hypothesis of the scientific research has been confirmed: 1) student age and sex have impact on organizing discretionary learning; 2) the students’ learning competences differ from one faculty to another.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011