Title Viešumo principas baudžiamajame procese /
Translation of Title The principle of publicity in criminal procedure.
Authors Synanovič, Julija
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Pages 73
Abstract [eng] Publicity – the underlying process principle of the democracy, which is applied in the all law system. The meaning of this principle reveals not only its fixation on the highest national and international level, but also its connection with the most important principles of constitutional and criminal procedure law. This principle is multiple, the struggles to enclose and judge it on the base of only the criminal procedure code is too tight and beside the purpose, because its sets only two articles directly on this term. It can be excluded two big parts of the aspects of the principle of publicity: publicity, which is separated of the process and the process publicity. On the one hand, the essence of the first group reveals such aspects of the principle of publicity as the publicity of the court session and the material of the criminal case, the public pronouncement of the court’s judgments and the right of the society to attend court’s sessions, on the second hand, the nature of this significant principle is the scientific analysis of all the law’s norms which is important from the prejudicial process to the implement of the judgment. The principle of publicity is not absolute, this states international and national law, it can be explained that every society has much more important values then only the right of the society to know, to keep a close watch and to attend the court’s sessions. The norms of law is implementing this by setting compulsory and facultative exceptions of the principle of publicity, the first group of exceptions are binding the court in order to protect the most important judicial values in the state, the second group of exceptions are not binding the court, it practices such exceptions on its own discretion. The most important is not to overestimate the exceptions of the publicity, these restrictions must be constitutionally legitimated and needful in the society otherwise the principle of publicity can become the principle of closure.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011