Title |
Ankstyvojo amžiaus vaiko ir ugdytojų komunikavimas / |
Translation of Title |
Comunications among early age child and his/her educators. |
Authors |
Čėsnienė, Loreta |
Full Text |
Pages |
88 |
Keywords [eng] |
Communication (verbal and non-verbal) ; emotions ; prosody |
Abstract [eng] |
The work carried out theoretical analysis of child early age and communication of educators.There was done the research by interview as survey method which aimed to analyze the professional approach to early communication between the child , a formal educator and parents.The method of case analysis (footage basis) was used for the study which aimed was to assess the communication of the child and family in the early childhood period.The study included nine professionals working with younger school age children and an investigator family.In the empirical part there is given specialist’s approach to the early communication and characteristics of early age child and his/her family communication. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2013 |