Abstract [eng] |
Till the middle of the XIXth century hours of work was unlimited. However in 22nd of June 1935 International Labour Organisation adopted ‚Forty-Hours Week‘ convenion No 47, where member states undertake to provide the working week to be progressively ruduced to the extend that guarantee decent standart of living for themselves and their families. In the article 144 of Labour Code of Lithuania is setted 40 hours working week, which may be exceed to 48 hours working week including overtime. In the article 151 of Labour Code of Lithuania is provided exceptional cases, when overtime could be done. As a metter of fact generaly overtime work is prohibited. There are exceptional cases named in the articles 150–152, when overtime is permited, number hours to be worked. In the article 144,4 named the specific categories of employees as well as persons on duty in permises may be up to 24 hours per day, which are detailed by Government regulations. In articles the 145–146 there is provided types of working time excluded depends on employees age, work conditions and other matter, which are detailed by Government regulatios as well. There are detailed provisions in the article 149 related to reference period of working time, which is application limitted. The regulations of night work is seted in the article 154. Article 155 provides regulations for on-call work. As in recomendations anounced by European Commision to separate on-call time from inactive part of on-call time and use specified forms of calculation that is provided in the article 155. Lithuania have chosen imperative regulation of working time which affects growth of economy, investitions and other related matters. |