Title Informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų reikalavimų lygio poveikis darbo ir šeimos konfliktui medijuojant darbuotojo dirglumui ir moderuojant profesiniam saviveiksmingumui /
Translation of Title The impact of the level of information and communication technologies demands on work-family conflict mediated by employee irritation and moderated by occupational self-efficacy.
Authors Pučkienė, Agnė
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Pages 130
Abstract [eng] The thesis consists of 77 pages, 24 tables, 8 figures, and 69 references. This thesis aims to assess the relationship between the demands of information and communication technologies and the employee's work-family conflict, to determine how this relationship is affected by the mediator - irritation, and the moderator - the employee's occupational self-efficacy. The work consists of four main parts: the review of scientific literature, empirical research methodology, discussion of empirical research results, conclusions, and proposals. In the review of the scientific literature, the main variables of the study are examined from a theoretical point of view, the reasons and assumptions for the emergence of the variables are conceptualized, a possible mutual interactions and connections are discussed. The second part of this thesis consists of the described methodology of the quantitative research, the proposed hypotheses, and their basis. The study involved 357 respondents living in Lithuania and using information and communication technologies. The SPSS program was used to analyze the research results. During regression analysis, relationships between ICT demands (accessibility, poor communication, lack of control, technical hassles, workload) and work-family conflict were identified. Using the SPSS process macro plug-in and A. Hayes 8 model, mediated moderation between variables was tested. Irritation was found to mediate the relationship between ICT demand variables (availability, poor communication), while occupational self-efficacy moderated the relationship between availability, poor communication, and irritation. Occupational self-efficacy was found to moderate the relationship between learning expectations and work-family conflict, but the effect was very small. The conducted research can be developed further by selecting additional constructs for mediation and moderation to discover job or personal resources that reduce the negative impact of ICT demands and work-family conflict.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024