Title Ekologinio produkto strategija Lietuvos baldų pramonės įmonėje /
Translation of Title The strategy of ecological product in lithuanian furniture industry’s company.
Authors Ginkus, Edgaras
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Pages 96
Abstract [eng] Topic (The strategy of ecologic product in Lithuanian furniture industry’ company) was chosen because of increased interest of society in environment protection, human environment and topicality of ecology in Lithuania, as well as in whole world. More and more customers want to get ecological products. Therefore arise problem, how successfully spread ecological products in the market. Aim of the work – to form strategy of ecological product. Work consists of 3 parts. In first part ecological product is defined, ecological marketing is described, ecological furniture conception is presented and concept of ecological product is exhibited. In second part strategical planning and strategy formation process is defined, stages (with integrated ecological criterions) of product strategy formation is analyzed, strategies of ecological product described in scientific literature are analyzed. In third part after performing strategic analyze of furniture company activity and forming goals of ecological products, strategy for achieving these goals is created. During strategy formation was identified, that the biggest influence for ecological product strategy formation makes different interest groups (stakeholders). During ecological product strategy formation, most attention should be given to ecological factors in different stages of ecological product strategy formation. During work process was identified, that it’s best to use product designing, line expanding, re-positioning strategies, not leaving aside product strategy based on ecological values and prices, distribution and promotion strategies, which helps to secure increasing profitability of the product. All realizations of the strategies and performance should be controlled by product life cycle control strategy. Work consists of 67 pages, 16 tables and 8 pictures.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009