Title Nepriklausomų darbuotojų finansinės gerovės vertinimas /
Translation of Title Evaluation of the financial well-being of independent employees.
Authors Šalonytė, Greta Eimantė
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Pages 89
Abstract [eng] The aim of this master’s thesis is to evaluate the financial well-being of independent employees. The research consists of three main parts: literature analysis, research methodology and research results and conclusions. The following methods were used in the master’s thesis: comparative analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, questionnaire, statistical processing of quantitative data using SPSS software package, Microsoft Office Excel program was used for graphical representation of data. The subject matter of the literature analysis is financial well-being, financial literacy, topic research and financial well-being evaluation methods. Additionally, the conception of independent employees is presented in the literature analysis as well as the study of the topic. Based on the research methodology, the study was performed to evaluate the financial well-being of independent employees. An anonymous online survey method was chosen and answered by 89 respondents for the research. The collected data was tested and compared to the raised hypotheses based on analysis. The results of evaluation revealed that only one raised hypothesis in the methodological part of the study was affirmed, the rest of hypotheses were denied. One of the denied hypotheses was opposite to the raised one. What is more, results implied that subjective financial knowledge has a positive influence on the financial well-being of independent employees, while further financial planning has a negative influence on the financial well-being of employees. Moreover, the obtained results show that if the subjective financial knowledge of independent employees increased by one unit, the financial well-being of independent employees would increase by 10,7 points. On the other hand, if the further financial planning of independent employees increased by one point, the financial well-being of independent employees would decrease by 9,482 points. Other sociodemographic factors, such as marital status, number of dependents and age did not influence the financial well-being of the questioned respondents. The conducted study shows that the financial well-being of independent employees has no statistically significant relationship with the financial resourcefulness, and the level of financial well-being does not have a statistically significant relationship with the satisfaction of independent employees at the current moment in life.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024