Title Ekonominės sankcijos už mokesčių įstatymų pažeidimus /
Translation of Title An economical sanctions for the breach of tax law.
Authors Mocevičiūtė, Indrė
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Pages 67
Abstract [eng] The present Paper deals with economic sanctions – their regulation by tax laws, also with the applicable principles, elaborates on the origin of this sanction, the grounds of its imposition, establishment of the extent of this sanction, the grounds for the exemption from it and other important issues that are relevant to full analysis of the enforcement of the statutory sanction. The principal regulatory legal acts discussed and analysed in this Paper are the Republic of Lithuania Law on Tax Administration and other tax laws, secondary legislation and the case-law. Additionally, the Paper contains the analysis of the “Tax Administration Survey 2006” conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which has revealed that tax systems of different countries have numerous differences which directly affect the administration of tax systems and, possibly, their effectiveness and efficiency, paying particular attention to the liability for the violation of tax laws, i.e. amounts of economic sanctions – fines established in the individual states. The comparative analysis with liability measures – sanctions established in other states has been carried out. The present Paper also discusses the issue of the sanction conception theory and of late charges used as the economic sanction. Additionally, the element of the subjective side of the violation of tax laws – the fault is dealt with, because the law theory does not provide for the consensus on this matter. The impact of mitigating and aggravating circumstances on the establishment of the fine amount is taken into consideration, giving proposals as to the improvement pf the provision enshrined in the existing tax laws. The Paper deals with the possibilities of discharge from tax liability, the grounds for exemption from fines as well as the procedures to be carried out by the taxpayer in order to be exempt from economic sanctions.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009