Title Kolektyvinių derybų ypatumai viešajame sektoriuje /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of collective bargaining in the public sector.
Authors Kliacevič, Milana
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Pages 50
Abstract [eng] The master's thesis analyzes the institute of collective bargaining and the conclusion of collective agreements in the public sector. Collective bargaining is considered a special, peaceful process between the parties to the labor contract, during which the parties agree on a certain result - a collective contract, which contains conditions regulating labor relations, which in essence improve the working conditions of employees, ensure additional rights and guarantees. Collective labor law is regulated by national legal acts and collective agreements must contain such provisions that do not conflict with the mandatory rules established by Lithuanian laws. The work also presents and analyzes the concept of the public sector, the disclosure of which is achieved through the separation of three groups of public sector entities after analyzing the special laws in force of the Republic of Lithuania. The analysis was carried out by analyzing collective agreements concluded in the public administration sector, state and municipal budget institutions and public institutions whose owner or shareholder participates in the state or municipality. Collective agreements were chosen randomly, taking into account the type of agreements and the year of conclusion. The performed statistical and content analysis shows that the conclusion of collective agreements in the public sector is a fairly common phenomenon, but collective bargaining has limited bargaining power. The concluded collective agreements are dominated by the legal regulation established by other laws, the parties to the agreement are valid even without additional determination in the collective agreement. However, it is important that the negotiating parties try to establish additional norms that will improve the working conditions and situation of employees, and employers need to create obligations.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023