Title Latentinis ir registruotas su nelegalių narkotikų vartojimu susijęs nusikalstamas elgesys Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Latent and registered criminal behavior related to the use of illegal drugs in lithuania.
Authors Petrauskaitė, Ainė
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] The master’s thesis analyzes the topic of latent and registered criminal behavior related to the use of illegal drugs in Lithuania. Criminal behavior related to drug use is studied from the perspectives of criminology and criminal law, therefore the thesis examines national, international and European Union legislation, data from the Register of Criminal Acts and empirical research, scientific conclusions in law doctrine, as well as relevant court practise. This work aims to reveal the trends of registered and latent criminal behavior related to the use of illegal drugs, to determine their interaction with the legal environment and the drug policy developed in the country. This analysis allows to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the existing policy, compliance with international and European Union requirements, and possible prospects for improvement. In order to examine the extent of the problem related to drug use, the relationship between registered and latent crime and the factors that determine the change in criminal behavior are described. The work analyzes the strict model of legal regulation, examining the issues of proportionality of criminal responsibility and problematic issues arising in judicial practise. Objective insights are provided regarding the implementation of the preventive program, the adequacy and availability of existing measures. After revealing this aspect, conclusions are made regarding the possible directions for improvement of preventive activities.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023