Title Transporto darbuotojų darbo laiko teisinio reguliavimo problemos /
Translation of Title Problems of legal regulation of working time of transport workers.
Authors Vaščilaitė, Džiuginta
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Pages 49
Abstract [eng] Problems of Legal Regulation of Working Time of Transport Workers The master's thesis examines the legal regulation of working time for mobile transport workers. Mobile transport workers are divided into: road transport, rail transport, water transport and civil aviation. Mobile transport workers are characterised by their specific working conditions and their working time is therefore differentiated by means of a transport-specific working time regulation. This legal differentiation is justified because the work of mobile transport workers is carried out on the move, away from home, they do not usually return home after a day's work, and they can sleep and spend their time off work at the workplace, which is why it is important to lay down rules on working time that help to distinguish between work and rest time. The legal framework must also ensure that mobile transport workers do not work excessive hours. Long working hours and short rest periods are incompatible with the objective of all branches of the transport sector, which is the safety and health of the worker. Working long hours not only causes extreme fatigue, which can be detrimental to a worker's health, but it can also cause danger to those around them, as transport workers work in vehicles that can cause serious damage. In order to ensure the health and safety of workers at work, it is important to establish a legal framework and then ensure that it is complied with. Therefore, the legal regulation of the working time of mobile workers in each branch of transport is presented in the master thesis. It also identifies what problems arise in the regulation of working time in a particular transport sector, if there are problems with the legal framework.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023