Title Informavimas ir konsultavimas kaip socialinės partnerystės forma /
Translation of Title Information and consultation as a form of social partnership.
Authors Žigytė, Karina
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Pages 46
Abstract [eng] The master thesis analyzes the information and consultation institute as a form of social partnership. Since the independence of the Republic of Lithuania, the institute of social partnership began to be talked about more and more often, because the state, after breaking away from the centralized legal model of labor relations regulation, needed to create a new system of social dialogue. Information and consultation became an integral part of the new social partnership system. Both at the level of the European Union and at the national level, legal acts and legal doctrine emphasize how important this form of social partnership is – it is a feature of a democratic, socially and economically advanced state. Revealing the essential aspects of this topic, the work examines legal acts, court jurisprudence, doctrinal conclusions of law and social science specialists. Analyzing the named sources, the work reveals the concept of social partnership, its goals, principles, refines the levels and forms of social dialogue. In addition, the master thesis discusses in detail the concept of information and consultation – the goals and principles of this institute are discussed. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the types of information and consultation. The analysis of information and consultation institutes, with the help of legal acts, historical legal facts, and the conclusions of scientists, helps to understand how these procedures work as one of the forms of social dialogue and in this way a part of the social partnership system is revealed. Also, the analysis performed in the master's thesis helps to understand what benefits and advantages information and consultation provide to legal labor relations. The master's thesis discusses problematic aspects and issues of legal responsibility that are encountered in practice when applying information and consultation procedures.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023