Title Administraciniai nusižengimai ir jų tyrimo (ne)priskyrimas viešojo administravimo sričiai /
Translation of Title Administrative offenses and the (non)assignment of their investigation to the field of public administration.
Authors Bagdzevičiūtė, Erika
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Pages 48
Abstract [eng] The master's thesis presents the concept of public administration and its content. Using the historical method, the origin of public administration is revealed from the Latin word "administratio", which means management, administration and governance, and the connection with the management of state affairs, which occurs in the adoption of administrative decisions by public administration subjects in the application and implementation of laws and other legal acts, in the provision of public services, meeting the common interests of society. The work analyzes the reasons for assigning or not assigning an administrative offense to the area of public administration, for which to determine is meaningful a significant understanding of administrative responsibility and administrative offense. As a result, the concepts of administrative responsibility and administrative offense are disclosed, the conditions of application of administrative responsibility are described and the entities applying it are defined, as well as the procedure for its application. Analyzing scientific literature, scientific works, the practice of Lithuanian courts, and comparing the competences of the entities conducting the investigation and their legal regulation, the opinion is revealed that the subject of administrative law regulation is administrative relations, to which are attributed actions of administrative impact, which can be carried out by the public administrative subject implementing the functions assigned by legal acts. Subjects of public administration are specified in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania. And by additionally analyzing the differences between public administration and administrative responsibility institutes, which have more diferences than similarities, the conclusion is that administrative offenses should not be assigned to the field of public administration.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023