Title Lietuvos gyventojų kontaktinių lęšių nešiojimo ir priežiūros ypatumai /
Translation of Title Usage and care of contact lens among aduts in lithuania.
Authors Kazlauskaitė, Greta
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Pages 34
Abstract [eng] The aim of the study – to assess contact lens wear and care habits in Lithuania. Materials and methods. An anonymous questionnaire was used to assess compliance with contact lens wear and care, contact lens-related symptoms, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lens behavior. Statistical data analysis was performed with MS Excel and SPSS 29.0. Results. Contact lens wearer age was associated with swimming with contact lenses in open waters (p<0.001) and pools (p<0.001), the incidence of dry eye (p=0.011) and eye infection (<0.001). Years of contact lens wear was associated with sleeping (p=0.023), swimming with contact lenses in open waters (p<0.001), pools (p<0,001), showering (p<0.001), the incidence of dry eye (p=0.016), eye discomfort (p=0.002), and eye infection (p<0.001). 93,7% of daily disposable lens wearers change their lenses daily, while 65,5% of monthly and only half of bi-weekly contact lens wearers (49,2%) adhere to a contact lens-wearing schedule. 60,3% of contact lens wearers reported no changes in behavior toward contact lens wear during the pandemic, but one-third of respondents (30,5%) wore their contact lenses less frequently. Conclusions. Older age and longer duration of contact lens wear were associated with non-compliance in contact lens wear and care, the incidence of contact lens–related symptoms, and eye infections. Respondents who wear daily lenses are more likely to replace their lenses on schedule. The majority of respondents reported no changes in behavior toward contact lens wear during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023