Title Įvairių gėrimų įtaka dantų spalvos pokyčiams /
Translation of Title The influence of various drinks on tooth color changes.
Authors Brakytė, Gabrielė
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Pages 29
Abstract [eng] Relevance of the problem: smile is one of the first things we notice when we interact with other people. Tooth colour is the most common cause of dissatisfaction with a smile. Changes in tooth colour can be caused by the use of tobacco products, spices, coffee, certain foods and drinks. Different treatment methods are available to improve the aesthetics of the teeth. Knowledge of tooth colour and the aetiology of tooth colour changes is essential for any treatment approach. Aim of the study: to investigate and compare how green tea, black tea, black tea with milk, coffee and „coca-cola“ affect tooth colour in vitro. Material and methods: Soft tissue and calculus were removed from the surfaces of selected molars using an ultrasonic scaler and the teeth were polished with a brush and paste. The buccal and lingual/palatal surfaces of the selected prepared teeth were measured using a spectrophotometer. The teeth were stored in the prepared beverages for 15 days at room temperature. After 15 days they were transferred to distilled water and stored for 24 h before re-measurement of colour. Results: the mean values of L, a, b for each group of drinks were obtained, the value of the colour change &#916;E was calculated using the formula &#916;Eab*=(&#916;L*2+&#916;a*2+&#916;b*2)1/2. The resulting &#916;E values are: distilled water 2.1, green tea 3.5, black tea 3.4, black tea with milk 2.9, carbonated sweetened drink 13.8, coffee 3.3. The one-way analysis of variance showed a p<0.001 value, so the difference in &#916;E between the drinks is significant. Of all the beverages, coca-cola had the highest &#916;E value, followed by green tea, black tea, coffee, black tea with milk, and distilled water. Conclusion: The greatest difference in tooth colour was observed in teeth exposed to „coca-cola“, a smaller but clinically unacceptable change in tooth colour was observed in samples exposed to green tea, black tea and coffee, and a clinically acceptable but noticeable change in tooth colour was observed in teeth exposed to black tea with milk.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023