Title Šeimos socialinio–ekonominio statuso, mokytojo–mokinio santykio ir mokinių akademinių pasiekimų sąsajos pradinėje mokykloje /
Translation of Title Relationships between family socioeconomic status, teacher–student relationships, and student academic achievement in primary school.
Authors Jaskoitienė, Margarita
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Pages 51
Abstract [eng] This study aims to determine the relationships between family socioeconomic status, teacher-student relationships, and student academic achievement in primary school. 75 second graders (32 boys and 43 girls), their parents and 13 teachers in four schools in the city of Vilnius, where education takes place in the Lithuanian language, participated in the study. Children completed the Student Perception of Affective Relationship with Teacher Scale (SPARTS), teachers submitted the Academic Achievement Scale for teachers and the Teacher-Student Relationship Scale (STRS), and after children's parents submitted a questionnaire about the socioeconomic status of the family and additional sociodemographic questions. Teachers' and students' assessments of the teacher-student relationship were found to be related. Relationships between the closeness of the teacher-student relationship reported by teachers and students and between conflict in teacher-student relationship by teachers and students were determined. No relationship was found only between teachers' perceived teacher-student conflict and students' perceived teacher-student closeness. The language achievement of students whose father has obtained university education is higher than that of students whose father has obtained secondary education. The conflictual nature of the teacher-student relationship as assessed by students is negatively related to language achievement and overall achievement. Depending on the gender, the students' assessment of the conflict between the teacher-student relationship differs. It turned out that boys consider the relationship with the teacher to be more conflictual.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023