Title Lietuvos vaidmuo formuojant Europos Sąjungos bendrą saugumo ir gynybos politiką 2017-2023 m /
Translation of Title Lithuania's role in shaping the common security and defense policy of the european union 2017-2023.
Authors Baltuška, Faustas
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Pages 100
Abstract [eng] This paper examines Lithuania's role in shaping the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union. The work analyzes EU CSDP initiatives and missions, and how Lithuania tried to influence them in order to achieve its foreign and security policy goals. The work is based on the theory proposed by T. Long that small states can most successfully realize their interests through three types of power: derivative power, specific-intrinsic power and collective power. When identifying Lithuania's activities, qualitative content analysis is used and strategic documents of selected states are examined, semi-structured interviews are conducted with state decision-makers and experts, politicians' statements in the public space are analyzed. At the end of the work, conclusions are presented as to how Lithuania influences the common security and defense policy of the European Union.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023