Title Muzikinių poreikių ir interesų raiška muzikiniame ugdyme: paauglių požiūrio analizė /
Translation of Title The expression of musical needs and interests in music education: an analysis of adolescents’ attitudes.
Authors Anusaitė, Vitalija
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] The master's thesis discusses the expression of musical needs and interests in musical education, and an empirical (quantitative) study was conducted. The aim of the master's thesis is to investigate the attitude of teenagers toward the possibilities of expression of musical needs and interests in musical education. The object of the research is the expression of musical needs and interests in musical education. In order to realize the goal of the work, four tasks were set: 1) to perform an analysis of scientific and methodological literature, in terms of the possibilities of expression of students' musical needs and interests; 2) reveal the diversity of teenagers' needs and interests; 3) to conduct an empirical study in order to find out the situation of teenagers' needs and interests in the hierarchical system of musical education. Hypothesis: it is likely that if the musical needs and interests of teenagers are properly taken into account when organizing musical education, the motivation to learn, the desire to develop one's talents and abilities, and higher self-esteem and confidence in one's own abilities will grow. After analyzing the documents of the educational system, scientific and methodological literature, and conducting an empirical study, the following conclusions were obtained: 1. Although musical education is traditionally understood as musical training, and educating, there is an obvious lack of attention to the analysis and integration of the student's needs and interests into the educational process. This is especially relevant when the renewed musical education programs increasingly emphasize the importance of the student himself, his individuality. 2. The rapidly changing attitude of the teenager towards himself and the world around him requires the educator and the entire educational environment to create conditions for the student to see himself in the educational environment, to help him believe in his own strength while constantly balancing on the border of teaching and meeting the needs and interests of the student. 3. Analysis of the research results revealed that students understand the concept of needs as a desire to include their favorite activities in the content of the lessons and learn using as many innovations as possible, participating in the organization of the educational process. The results of the study showed that there is still a lack of various musical instruments in the classroom for creative musical activities, insufficient attention is paid to the music of modern entertainment loved by teenagers, and a lack of various activities to organize the musical education process.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023