Title "Naujojo mokymosi" galimybės taikant IKT: užsienio kalbų atvejis /
Translation of Title "New learning" opportunities through ict: the case of foreign languages.
Authors Nareckaitė, Vidmantė
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Pages 87
Abstract [eng] ,,New Learning” opportunities through ICT: the case of foreign languages As the world becomes more modern and the concept of education changes, more and more attention is being paid to the successful integration of information and communication technologies into the educational process. Knowledge of foreign languages not only lays the foundation for personal success, but also contributes to the development of intercultural cooperation, the movement of citizens within the EU and the creation of a vibrant labour market. ICT integration can have a positive impact on foreign language learning. Importantly, technology in the classroom enables the development of the concept of ,,New Learning”. Based on the possibilities for ,,New Learning” identified by researchers Kalantzis and Cope (2015), it is believed that the integration of technology in education has an impact on the emergence of ubiquitous learning, active knowledge making, multimodal meaning, recursive feedback, collaborative intelligence, metacognition and differentiated learning. Given the challenges of the 21st century, it is the development of such learners that should be a priority for the education system. The aim of this Master's thesis is to explore the possibilities of implementing the principles of ,,new learning” in foreign language education through the integration of ICT. The tasks of the thesis are: to analyse the European Union's language learning policy documents and approaches to the use of ICT in language education, to highlight the origins and ideas of the new London Group, to analyse the potential of Cope and Kalantzis's seven principles of ,,New learning” for educational practice, and to explore the potential for new learning created by foreign language teachers who integrate ICT into their teaching practice. The empirical part of the thesis employs a qualitative research method, a case study based on semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the data provided by the informants leads to the conclusion that ICT enables the development of the principles of ubiquitous learning, multimodal meaning, collaborative intelligence, and differentiated learning in the context of foreign languages. The principle of active knowledge creation is only partially developed through ICT integration. The potential of these principles - recursive feedback and metacognition - has not been developed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023