Title Profesinės etikos principų taikymas: Lietuvos auditorių patirtis /
Translation of Title The application of the professional ethical principles: experience of lithuanian auditors.
Authors Ševiakovaitė, Alisa
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] 70 pages, 1 table, 11 pictures, 91 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate the factors and experience of compliance with auditor ethics principles of auditors and their assistants working in Lithuania, to prepare proposals on how to solve the difficulties arising from the application of ethical principles. Analysis, survey, comparison, systematization methods were use to reach thesis purpose. The work consists of three main parts; the analysis of literature, the research and its results, conclusion and recommendations. Literature analysis reviews that the ethics of the auditor begins with the morality of the auditor. But at the same time, application of the auditor's ethics also consists of external factors: workload, salary, ethical cultures, control in the company. Legal acts define the main ethical principles of the auditor: integrity, objectivity, independence, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional behavior, responsibility to society. It also defines what threats auditors can face and what control measures can help to avoid them. After analyzing the literature, the author conducted a study on the difficulties faced by auditors and their assistants in complying with ethical principles. 25 respondents answered the survey. The main purpose of the questionnaire was to identify the difficulties encountered by auditors and their assistants in complying with the ethical principles of auditing, to identify factors that facilitate and complicate compliance with ethical principles in conducting audits in Lithuania. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the research results. The research revealed that for the respondents the most difficult principle to comply are competence and due care when performing their work. The second most common choice is the principles of independence or objectivity. Next, respondents chose the principle of responsibility to society, then professional behavior, confidentiality, and finally, integrity was not chosen. Further questions show that some respondents have faced pressure to perform an audit without enough knowledge (28%), 48 % of respondents have faced difficulty due to lack of time in delving into the correct application of accounting, 36% experienced difficulty in conducting a thorough document review due lack of time and workload. Meanwhile, the respondents claim that they have not faced situations where auditing the same company causes difficulties to remain independent, they have not faced pressure from company managers or clients to change their audit opinion. Almost everyone agree that ethical company culture help to adhere to ethical principles. Also, according to the respondents, computer technology helps and the lack of employees hinders compliance with ethical principles. 40 % of respondents agree that greater control within the company would help comply with ethical principles. 28 % of respondents agreed that greater institutional control would help to comply with ethical principles. Quite a lot of respondents abstained on both questions.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023