Title Normatyvumo samprata G. Canguilhemo filosofijoje /
Translation of Title The concept of normativity in g. canguilhem’s philosophy.
Authors Simutytė, Rūta
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Pages 55
Abstract [eng] This study of Canguilhem's notion of normativity defends the thesis that Canguilhem's notion of normativity, by rethinking the relationship between the individual and the environment as a relationship between a living being and its milieu, links biological individuation to the constitution of subjectivity and thus allows for a thinking of conceptual knowledge as a form of vitality, while at the same time maintaining the scientific imperative of objectivity. The work consists of three parts, the first of which is devoted to a reconstruction of the dialectical concept of the norm, showing that Canguilhem formulates the problem of the origin of the norm as a problem of conceptualising a relation between an abstraction and a specific case. The second part is devoted to the reconstruction of the concept of normativity. Drawing on Jean Gayon research on Canguilhem's concept of biological individuality, it is shown that this concept of normativity offers an original theory of individuation in which the founding of biological individuality coincides with the founding of subjectivity. In the third part of the thesis, Canguilhem's philosophy's relation to tradition is outlined by demonstrating the role of this concept of normativity in Canguilhem's reflections on the relationship between life and cognition and between life and science. The rethinking of the problem of the relation between life and knowledge is shown through a distancing from idealism and Kant's notion of rationality. The argument is supported by Marina Brilman, who argues that Canguilhem subordinates rationality to life. The rethinking of the relation between science and life in Canguilhem's philosophy is illustrated by reconstructing his position in relation to the dispute between vitalism and mechanism. Drawing on the work of Monica Greco, the attempts of Vissio and Wolfe to read Canguilhem's philosophy within the framework of classical vitalism are rejected. The main scientific value of the work lies in the exposition of the dialectic nature of Canguilhem's thought, which allows us to recognise the critical impulse of this philosophy, which separates it from the traditions of Idealism and Positivism and disconnects it from Bergsonism. Canguilhem's work has not yet been studied in the Lithuanian academic context, but it is relevant in the context of Simondon, Stiegler and Bordieu, who are being studied here.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023