Title From recipient to donor. lithuania in development cooperation post 2020: what's holding us back? /
Translation of Title Nuo paramos gavėjos iki donorės. Lietuvos vystomasis bendradarbiavimas po 2020: kas mus stabdo?
Authors Ivinskienė, Giedrė
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Pages 164
Keywords [eng] Lithuanian development cooperation, foreign aid, official development assistance, ODA, Europeanisation, donor country
Abstract [eng] This research will strive to reveal the reasons hindering smooth implementation of Lithuania’s development cooperation policy. Considering theoretical framework of the motivations behind development cooperation enforcement and bearing in mind the scarcity of the academic body of work for this topic, the main instrument, questionnaire for the in-depth interviews with the main decision makers of Lithuania’s development cooperation was created. After the 17 interviews providing valuable material gathered, the main insights answering the research questions are presented. With the ambiguous results uncovered, the attempt to propose the solution is made.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022