Title Nuteistųjų suvoktas pataisos įstaigų pareigūnų elgesio procedūrinis teisingumas /
Translation of Title Convicts’ perceived correctional facilities officers’ behavior procedural justice.
Authors Adomaitytė, Gabrielė
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Pages 43
Abstract [eng] Every day a large part of the penitentiary community interact with the government: officials, correctional staff, members of the parole commission and the like. The decisions made by these authorities and the quality of their treatment of convicts will, in the long run, determine the attitude of prisoners towards the fairness and legitimacy of the whole system. On this basis, it can be argued that the fairness of sentencing procedures is relevant not only individually but also at the societal level, so it is important to understand that not only does it have correctional institutions in the context, but also what other important aspects it relates to. 99 convicts in Vilnius correctional facilities were successfully investigated. The mean age of the subjects was 39.33 years (SD = 10.9). The study used a questionnaire on the fairness of the procedures for the perception of convicts and the scale of procedural fairness of the decision made on the perception of convicts. Convenient selection was used in the work. Convicts' perceptions of the general conduct of the correctional officers and the procedural fairness of the decision taken by the Commission were found to be below average. The fairness of the perception procedures of the light group convicts is higher than that of the disciplinary group convicts. Procedural fairness in the perception of convicts is related to certain demographics. The perceived greater fairness of the procedures for the conduct of correctional officers predicts greater satisfaction with the Commission's decision. A higher overall fairness of the perception procedures predicts a higher perception of the procedural fairness of the decision made.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022