Title Studentų smurto romantiniuose santykiuose ir nepalankių vaikystės patirčių ryšys /
Translation of Title Relationship between violence in romantic relationships and adverse childhood experiences among students.
Authors Liutkevičiūtė, Marcelė
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Pages 67
Abstract [eng] Relationship between violence in romantic relationships and adverse childhood experiences among students, Marcelė Liutkevičiūtė, Vilnius, Vilnius University, 2022, p. 67. Introduction. Romantic relationship violence might be related to adverse childhood experiences. Adverse childhood experiences (e.g., psychological or physical violence) can cause impaired development of social and emotion regulation skills, therefore such children might perpetuate violence in their relationships in adulthood. The goal of the study was to assess the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and romantic relationship violence among students, while evaluating relational aggression, the nature of the relationship and sexual orientation. Materials and Methods. Nonprobability purposive convenience sampling was applied in this study. Study sample was composed of 233 participants aged from 18 to 25 (M = 21.35, SD =1.9). 195 participants were women (83.7 %), 38 were men (16.3 %). Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (prepared by Laurinaitytė et al., 2021, adopted from Dubre et al., 2001, Fellitti et al., 1998, The CDC-Kaiser ACE studies), Romantic Relationship Violence Questionnaire (prepared by Laurinaitytė et al., 2021, adopted from Madkour et al., 2014), Self-Report Measure of Aggression and Social Behavior, (Morales & Crick, 1998) were used in this study as well as demographic questions. Results. Hypotheses were partially confirmed. Students defined as sexual minorities have more adverse childhood experiences than heterosexual students, however romantic relationship violence does not differe amongst these groups. Romantic relational aggression mediates between adverse childhood experiences and romantic relationship violence. Students in churning relationships have more adverse childhood experiences than students in stable relationships, violence is more prevalent in churning relationships.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022