Title Svetimosios kalbos nerimo ir motyvacijos sąsajos su lietuvių kalbos mokymusi /
Translation of Title The role of foreign language anxiety and motivation in learning the lithuanian language.
Authors Miškinytė, Rugilė
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] The goal of this study is to investigate foreign language anxiety and learning motivation among non-native Lithuanian pupils enrolled in 3rd and 4th grade gymnasiums where Lithuanian language is taught as L2. Also, to provide insights into whether factors such as gender, age, L1, age when they started to encounter with Lithuanian language and what age they started to speak Lithuanian and does Lithuanian literature and language classes grade correlate with foreign language anxiety and motivation. The material for this study consists of a sociolinguistic questionnaire, foreign language anxiety scale (adapted by the author of this work) and motivation questionnaire (created by Vilkienė et al. 2019). The descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis methods were used for the analysis. In total 125 pupils participated in the research: 62 females and 63 males. Average age of the group is 17. Data was collected at three different schools in Vilnius. It is important to notice that this research is the first to measure foreign language anxiety and its correlation with motivation and sociolinguistic factors. The findings of the study revealed that students had average level of anxiety (mean = 55): in female group it is 57, male – 53 scores. Anxiety levels did not statistically significantly differentiate in regards to gender. Regression analysis showed that pupils who started using Lithuanian language at the earlier age experience less anxiety in the classroom (p = 0,012). Correlation analysis revealed that anxiety levels tend to lower when pupil get higher grade, but it is statistically significant only in female group (r = -0,321, p = 0,011). Also foreign language anxiety scale revealed that females tend to have lower self-confidence in regards of linguistic competence. The analysis of motivation construct showed that pupils have average motivation (mean = 46): in female group it is 48, male – 44 scores. Regression analysis revealed gender has influence on motivation – female students tend to have higher motivation than males (p = 0,008). Positive correlation was found between motivation and grades, but it was only statistically significant in females group (r = 0,368, p = 0,003). It could be guessed that since female students have higher ought-to L2 self and ideal L2 self it might lead to higher grades. Correlation analysis between foreign language anxiety and motyvation scores showed negative correlation, but it‘s weak and is not statistically significant (r = -0,165, p = 0,066). The study has its limitations. It is underlined that the sample size is not big (n = 125) although it is enough to apply chosen methodology. Also since it is the first time researching foreign language anxiety the scale could be improved in order to finde stable inner constructs. This study could be interesting to linguist, teachers and society who is interested in language learning.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022