Title Mimetinis geismas ir tikrovės reprezentacija Jurgio Jankaus romanuose /
Translation of Title Mimetic desire and representation of reality in the novels of jurgis jankus.
Authors Tamulytė, Auksė
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Pages 48
Abstract [eng] This master’s thesis analyzes how mimesis works in the fiction. Two novels by Lithuanian writer Jurgis Jankus are examined: „Paklydę paukščiai“ and „Namas geroj gatvėj“. Based on the perceptions of Ricoeur, Iser, and Girard, the aim is to test the extent to which the theories of these philosophers are co-existent. The problematic nature of the concepts of mimesis, representation and imitation are discussed, as well as Ricoeur’s triple mimesis, Iser’s representation theory and Girard’s mimetic desire. Mimesis is perceived as an aesthetic and anthropological category, referring to the relationship between a work of literature and reality. In the novel „Namas geroj gatvėj“ the mimetic desire of wealth and love creates different meanings and enriches the reader’s perception of desire. In the novel „Paklydę paukščiai“ mimesis is one of the main topics; it provides a lot of material to explore the relationship between writer, text and reader and the relationship between reality and fiction.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022