Title Mokytojo–mokinio santykio ir mokinio veikliosios atminties ryšys pradinėje mokykloje /
Translation of Title The link between student–teacher relationship and student's working memory in primary school.
Authors Gimževskytė, Miglė
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Abstract [eng] „The link between student-teacher relationship and student's working memory in primary school“, Miglė Gimževskytė, Vilnius, Vilniaus universitetas, 2022, 65 p. A very significant bond for student‘s further academical success and emotional well being forms in primary school between student and a teacher. At the same time develops one of the most important executive function – working memory. The aim of this study was to evaluate links between student-teacher relationship and student‘s working memory. 28 student- teacher pair participated in this study and also 26 parents evaluated student‘s working memory. Results showed significant correlations between student – teacher relationship and student‘s working memory. Working memory, student – teacher relationship, executive functions.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022