Title Mokyklos kultūros ir mokytojų pasitenkinimo darbu tarpusavio sąsajos /
Translation of Title Interconnections between school culture and teacher job satisfaction.
Authors Dacienė, Vaiva
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Pages 98
Abstract [eng] The global COVID19 pandemic, migration and other global changes have posed many challenges and variations in educational institutions. Quarantine, limited close contact, war refugees integration disrupted the normal educational process in the country, obliging the organization as well as the teachers themselves to adapt to changed conditions. The research findings reveal a reciprocal link between the school culture and teachers job satisfaction, so there is a presumption that this stressful period unequivocally influenced teachers ’job satisfaction and the alternation of the elements of school culture. Job satisfaction is important not only for the psychological and physical well-being of teachers, personal development and the effectiveness and motivation of its activities, but also for the school itself as the organization. Depending on how well the teacher manages to cope with inner experiences, to overcome difficulties, depends on his motivation for work and emotional state, which influences his behavior, performance and influences the general culture of the school. A harmoniuous school culture correlates with personal needs, external and internal satisfaction with their activities. Teachers are more satisfied with their work when their values coincide with the values of the organization and mutual trust between the manager and the employees leads the organization towards its successful management. The goal of the research is to reveal the interconnections between school culture and teachers' job satisfaction. The methodology of quantitative research was chosen using closed - ended questionnaires: school culture questionnaire (Denison, 2000) and job satisfaction questionnaire (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, MSQ). In the survey participated,using objective and convenient selection methods, the teachers of one selected district of Lithuania, working in different types of educational institutions. Descriptive, multidimensional statistical methods of the research results and correlation analysis reveal the internecine correlation of different features of school culture and the teachers‘ different levels of job satisfaction. The performed comparative analysis made presumptions for highlighting the connections between the cultural features of the school, such as engagement, coherence, adaptation, mission and the teachers ’satisfaction of the job and its internal and external aspects. The comparative analysis of results is presented highlighting differences not only according to sociodemographic characteristics of subjects, but also it is seeked to highlight changes at current period by presenting and comparing results with the results of studies already performed in the context chosen previously. The research on the school culture and teachers’ satisfaction with job reveals that a consistent school culture and a quite high level of teachers’ job satisfaction are observed in education institutions of a selected district in Lithuania. The obtained results and conducted analysis show that the culture that exists in education institutions of a specifically surveyed district is quite of a high level according to all features that have been chosen to characterise the school culture: mission, adaptability, involvement and consistency. These education institutions have clearly defined directions of their performance, goals to be achieved and the mission based on consistent processes of control, coordination and integration. The fundamental of the school culture consists of the management system based on equal values, attitudes and beliefs, when all equally involve and assume responsibilities and obligations. The schools adequately respond to external environment and seek to transform and accept necessary changes which are recognised as an opportunity to improve and perfect processes of performance.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022